National Teacher Day | VEDIM


Hello, welcome to day 9! I apologize for delaying one video and not uploading it yesterday on time. Really, I ended up doing things and things unexpectedly took a while. So, moving on. Today is National Teacher Day in the US. This is a day for appreciating teachers, thanking them for all the hard work teaching children who will be the future. This may include celebrations to honor them. Some places don’t, but some do. Which day National Teacher Day is celebrated depends on the country, plus for in the US, it’s celebrated on the Tuesday of the first full week in May (which means it isn’t always on the 9th). When this day is celebrated varies based on country because often the dates are selected depending on… Some may pick the date to honor a teacher in that particular country, some may just pick a random day, so it really varies. I will just focus on the US, because that’s where I live. But I will link the Wiki at the end of this post. It has a whole list about which country celebrates on which day, how/why they picked that date, and so on. The NEA (National Education Association) gives history on this day, but it’s a little murky. It’s not clear exactly how it was established. Around 1944, a Wisconsin teacher named Ryan Krug began talking with political and education leaders, saying that we need to have a day to honor and appreciate teachers. Woodbridge (I don’t know who, it doesn’t say) wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt about this. In 1953, she convinced the 81st Congress to declare a national teacher day. NEA, plus their Kansas and Indiana affiliates, also lobbied Congress to establish this national day. So it was established in 1980, on March 7th. Congress decided that would be National Teacher Day, for that year only. NEA and their affiliates continued to observe that day on the first Tuesday of March. Until in 1985, National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week, then it was voted to make the Tuesday of that week Teacher Appreciation Day. So that’s the history of Teacher Day in the US. Google has a really great Doodle for this, below.

Cute right? That’s not all for today. Another thing about today, I learned from Google. If you’re in the US, you would see the Doodle above. The next Doodle, below, is shown in a few other countries, because of who it is. Why that Doodle? It’s Ferdinand Monoyer’s 181st birthday. Ferdinand rose to prominence in France because he was one of the most famous ophthalmologists (eye doctor) in France.

He developed the diopter, an unit of measurement for vision that’s still used today. Also Monoyer was the one who invented the eye chart like the one you see in the Doodle. If you watch the Doodle carefully, you will see his name. (On the end columns, they’re highlighted in blue at one point in the loop. Monoyer on the left, and Ferdinand on the right.) That’s a cool hidden Easter egg.

I love learning about fun stuff about random things that I didn’t even think I would learn about. So that’s all for today. Tomorrow will be a book post/video. (cheering) I know some of you have been WAITING for this post/video. I have many, many, many books, so I have no idea how long it will be. I haven’t even filmed the video yet. So…. I probably will do that tonight or tomorrow morning? I don’t know, probably tonight. We’ll see. (Spoiler alert: I didn’t.) Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow.

Teacher Day:’_Days

Ferdinand Monoyer:

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