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Chile, Pizza, Donut, Pineapple, Store | Regional Signs

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Blog post has been expanded to explain the signs.

Hello, I’m Rogan and welcome to a new Regional Signs! It’s been a while. Let’s get into it!

First, a few additional signs from the previous videos. I will link the playlist here. Two signs from Georgia. Rude, signed like farm but with a Y handshape.

Pretend, using the L handshape touching the chin twice, moving almost like you’re thinking and going “hmm.”

Another sign to add, gray. This one is signed with the R handshape, thumb out or in (more often open thumb), and twisting the wrist quickly. For this one, I don’t remember which region. I know it’s east somewhere, but where exactly, I don’t remember. If you know, let me know!

Now it’s time for new signs! Same as always, I will spell it, tell you what the common sign is, then the regional sign and where it’s from if I know. If I don’t know, I will tell you, and if you do know let me know!

I will start with chile, the food not the country. Chile is commonly fingerspelled.

This regional sign is from New Mexico. It uses the same handshape and motion as LUCKY, with an open hand and the middle finger bent down to touch the chin. In this sign, the twist away from the chin is done twice rather than once. In a way, it has similarities to the sign for spicy.

Next, pizza. Commonly: it’s lexicalized fingerspelling, and you spell ZZ-A. You drop the P and I, keep the ZZ-A.

There’s two regional signs that I have. The first one, I don’t see often: Using a curved index and thumb to suggest a crust, it’s shaken back and forth in front of the mouth. I don’t see this particular one used often.

The second is becoming more and more common. Using the Y handshape with both hands, it’s held horizontal and tapped in a way that suggests the pizza’s circle. The reason being there’s a deaf-owned pizza place, Mozzeria. Their sign is this one, and the sign is actually originally from Italy.

Next, donut. This is one of those signs that have MANY regional signs. I have no idea where the regions are, I think it’s also partly because of migration around the country. So there’s no really clear region where these signs are from. I will just tell you the different signs for it.

Both hands in the R handshape start touching, then move and rotate in a circle shape, the standard donut shape. This is what I tend to sign.

Same motion as the previous one, but using a D handshape instead.

The R handshape moves in an O around the mouth.

The non-dominant hand is in a fist, and the dominant hand in a D handshape. The gathered fingers of the D are twisted in the hole of the closed fist.

There are more for donut, but I don’t remember them. So go ahead and comment them!

Next, pineapple. It’s commonly fingerspelled. Pineapple.

I have three signs, I don’t know which region they’re from. First: using the F handshape over the eye, looking through it while the F is rotated. You know, how sometimes pineapples will be cored and sliced in rings, and you can look through the hole.

Second: The dominant index finger and thumb are extended and curved, other fingers closed. The thumb is stuck into the non-dominant hand, which is in a fist, then the dominant hand is rotated, which can look like cutting the skin off, and taking the core out.

Third: The non-dominant hand is held in a fist, palm down. The dominant hand uses an open claw handshape, tapping the backs of both hands together. It gives the impression of a solid body and spiky leaves on top.

Next, and the last for today, store. It’s commonly signed like SELL, but done twice.

The regional sign is from Michigan, and maybe in the areas around it. It’s signed similar to HOME, but connects only the index and thumb, the other fingers are curled in.

That’s it for today. As always, if you know of a regional sign that I haven’t mentioned, whether it’s one that I’ve said the word, but you haven’t seen your regional sign. Or a new word I haven’t said in this series. Let me know in the comments! I love learning more regional signs. Thanks for reading!

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